Lo Time is a company specialized in research and selection of Modern and Vintage high quality collectible watches, with a natural predisposition for Rolex brand. We select only the best and fine watches that market can offer, steadily trying to propose at our clients something special and unique.
Lo Time want to built a personal connection with the buyer. We are a place where the client is safe on the purchase and guaranteed on what he's buyingWe strongly believe in this words, so much that we are able to offer LIFE time warranty on originality in every single Lo Time’s watch.
Collectors before dealers...

Lo Time SRL

Via Volpato 16, 36071, Arzignano (VI)

Phone : +39 339 5372828 – E-mail : luigi@lotime.it

P.Iva / CF / VAT :  04555370248

IWJG member n. 7217     /     WTA member n. 3298

By appointment only

Follow us on Instagram : lotime8

Lo Time di Loiero Luigi is a private website and is not affiliated with any brands here marketed

Photos are real and reflect the real conditions of the objects on sale 


On sales watches Chrono24